Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Spui Marius with free walking tour Amsterdam

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Spui plein 

The Spui is a square in the centre of Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. The Spui was originally a body of
water that formed the southern limit of the city until the 1420s, when the
 Singel canal was dug as an outer moat
around the city. In 1882 the Spui was filled in and became the square that we
know today.

The Spui is
a popular destination for book-lovers, with a weekly book market on Fridays and
a variety of bookstores[1]
 on or near the square, including two shops
dedicated to English-language literature (the American Book Center relocated to
the Spui in October 2006). There is also a weekly art market on the Spui, every
The Spui
provides entry to the
 Begijnhof, a Medieval

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